Auto insurance companies focus on being known to a large number of drivers. When you recognize a brand it’s in a way similar to getting a recommendation from a friend you trust, but it’s actually your brain that tells you to buy the insurance from that particular insurance company unconsciously. That is the reason why companies will pay millions of dollars every year to establish their brand. Also, big insurance companies deal with damages and injuries better and faster due to their wide national network of authorized repair shops.
Auto Insurance Myths Debunked
It’s always a challenge to buy auto insurance. There are also a lot of auto insurance myths out there. Here are some of the most common myths debunked.
The Windshield Cracks are Included In The Policy
You wouldn’t want to just assume this comes in with any car insurance policy. Most insurance companies will require way more coverage in order to be able to file this claim. This is why the cost of replacing or repairing the windshield will mostly be done by the driver.
Rental Car Coverage Comes In For Free All The Time
People might assume that after an accident, while the car is in the shop or worse, they will automatically be provided with a rental car. Nope, it will not happen. You have to be sure that you have this option in your car insurance policy ( usually comes with a small extra). It’s not a lot of money, so you may as well op in for it.
It’s Cheaper To Buy Policies Individually
This depends on you and the other drivers in your household. You might qualify for a multi-driver discount but sometimes it could be cheaper to buy policies individually if you or another person had a number of accidents. Just ask for quotes for both scenarios.