Despite the balcony’s small space, you certainly adore it. It’s thanks to this place that you can enjoy the outdoor air while living in the city, and it allows you to relax under the sun without even leaving your apartment. In city apartments, the balcony may be the only outdoor place where we can enjoy some fresh and natural air. Give a cozy and arm look to your balcony by adding couches, a small coffee table and some plants. There are a lot of extraordinary mesmerizing and yet simple ideas that you can use in your own home. Here is an extensive collection of gorgeous balconies and inspiring ideas.
Most European apartments are small and the balconies are even smaller, but it doesn’t have to feel claustrophobic. In fact, it can be very cozy indeed if you put some time into designing it properly. Small balcony designs can provide charming outdoor seating areas and beautify apartments by extending rooms and increasing flat sizes. Balconies connect home interiors with nature and encourage people to spend more time outdoors.